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Wednesday, August 2, 2023 | 9:00am - 1:00pm | Sonoma County Office of Education

miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2023 | 9:00am-1:00pm | Oficina de Educación del Condado de Sonoma

Listening Session & Book Discussion
Discusión de libros y sesión de escucha

We have learned about the neuroscience of how toxic stress and trauma impact our brains, bodies, and overall wellness. We know, through local data, that this is relevant for a large number of our students. We will spend the first part of today reviewing the books we read and reflecting on how that learning impacts our work and how we can support our community’s collective healing. Fostering and genuinely listening to our educators' voices is the goal of the second part of this morning. Our hope is to synthesize our learning in a way that can inform future efforts across districts and the County Office of Education so that we can continue creating safe and supportive learning environments for all.


Únase a la sesión de discusión y escucha del libro "Todos enseñan, todos aprenden" para identificar los apoyos y los próximos pasos para su salón de clases y escuela. Ofreceremos acceso a la investigación y apoyo práctico. Juntos, exploraremos cómo nuestras aulas, escuelas y comunidades pueden proporcionar el ambiente enriquecedor y estable que todos los niños del Condado de Sonoma necesitan para sanar, aprender y alcanzar su máximo potencial humano.

Toxic Childhood Stress
The Legacy of Early Trauma and How to Heal
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

“The single most important thing we need today is the courage to look the problem of childhood trauma in the face and say: ‘This is real. This is all of us.’”


"Lo más importante que necesitamos hoy es el coraje de mirar el problema del trauma infantil a la cara y decir: 'Esto es real. Esto somos todos nosotros.'"

What Happened to You?
Conversation on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
Dr. Bruce D. Perry

“The more healthy relationships a child has, the more likely he will be to recover from trauma and thrive. Relationships are the agents of change, and the most powerful therapy is human love.”


"Cuantas más relaciones saludables tenga un niño, más probable será que se recupere del trauma y prospere. Las relaciones son los agentes del cambio, y la terapia más poderosa es el amor humano."

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